
Who we are | Who we aspire to be

The best way to learn is to base future performance on expert feedback from your past performance. For any kind of writing, that is revision based on expert feedback. Regrettably, useful feedback is often a missing component for writers and adult learners. 

There are times when a book, course, or coach are your best ways to improve. The Revision Center is there when you want to improve whatever project you’re working on by providing high-quality feedback from an expert. We do not have the traditional power dynamics inherent in education or the workplace. It’s all about the work. And by extension, about the feedback on your work.

Experts at The Revision Center. We carefully vet our experts to ensure that they have the relevant knowledge and experience and are able to provide high-quality feedback. 

Our experts provide a neutral analysis of your work and comments for you to consider during revision. I will provide free courses and coaching to help you strategically revise your project. I have a doctorate in education and have 20 years of experience working in higher education.

Our goals are to increase access to high-quality feedback and to help writers create better projects through strategic revision. 

The Revision Center is just getting started but ready to ramp up quickly. If you have a need for an expert or just want to talk about your project needs, shoot me an email at ed@therevisioncenter.com or book a free 15-minute consultation

If you’re an expert who can provide high-quality feedback and wants to conveniently earn extra income at your hourly rate in your field, please contact me at ed@therevisioncenter.com or book a 15-minute Zoom session.

For more detailed information, please see below or our initial blog posts.

  • It is timely, specific, neutral, and actionable. The most important component of high-quality feedback is its usefulness. The Revision Center demands high-quality feedback from our experts.

  • Peer feedback is useful in certain situations but rarely for our complex projects. Experts have seen many projects similar to yours and can use their experience to provide insightful comments. Our experts are carefully vetted and we take the quality of your feedback very seriously. It may slow our growth by being very selective about partnering with the right experts but we believe strongly in the value of high-quality feedback. Our business model is simply connecting people who need feedback with expert feedback-providers. This singular focus is what makes us unique.

  • In many situations, learning from expert feedback is the best way to learn. An expert’s time is valuable, so it’s in both parties best interest that you submit a strong draft for review.

    Getting the most out of expert feedback requires:

    • An adult with a project and the motivation to learn what is necessary to improve it.

    • An adult with the appropriate skill level to submit and revise a strong draft.

    • An open mind, ability to receive feedback with emotional intelligence. It will likely be nerve-wracking to receive feedback on your important projects and that’s okay. You may never fully lose that feeling, but you can get better at managing the emotions of receiving feedback on important projects.

    • Understanding that there will often be a percentage of the overall feedback that you don’t agree with. That is expected and encouraged and does not mean that the feedback is bad. No one knows your project like you do and experts only spend a fraction of the time that you spend on it. A good rule of thumb is that you’ll often agree with ~70% of the overall feedback.

    • The desire to improve your work through revision. Ernest Hemingway believed that “the only kind of writing is rewriting.”

  • First and foremost. Our offerings are just one of many ways to learn.

    There are times when a book, course, or coach are your best ways to improve. However, adults are often advanced enough to not want or need a class or a coach. Books can be a great resource but obviously can’t review your work. Our goal is to be there for you when you want to improve whatever project you’re working on by providing high-quality feedback from experts.

    It sounds easy–we all receive and act upon feedback every day–but it can be extremely challenging and emotionally wrenching to do it well and get the most out of it. No big promises–receiving feedback on essential projects will always be challenging since we’ve spent a lot of time and effort on “our babies”–but it is a skill that can be developed with tangible improvements in your ability to receive and utilize feedback, which leads to better projects.

    We are laser-focused on providing helpful feedback, yet we have “larger” complementary goals:

    • We hope that people get better at receiving and utilizing feedback.

    • We hope that people ask for and give more feedback in their lives

    • We hope that people put more effort into revising their projects. It’s a great way to develop your skills.

    • We hope that people share their project goals more often. Sure, most people don’t want to hear about your screenplay or marketing plan, but some people do as long as you’re brief and you are willing to listen about their projects.

    • We hope that learners take more control of their learning both in formal and informal education.

    • We hope that support and options for lifelong and independent learners expand.

    • We hope that experts who provide high-quality feedback are better recognized as master teachers.

  • I am a passionate lifelong and independent learner, earned a doctorate in education, and have worked in the field of adult education for more than 20 years.

    High-quality feedback is not more readily available because it takes a lot of time, effort, and specialized skill to provide great feedback on large assignments or to a large number of students. An individual expert’s time is extremely limited. However, I posit that there is a large, untapped supply of experts who would be willing to review others’ work at their convenience on a part-time basis at their hourly rate.

    For more detailed information, please see our initial blog posts .

About The Revision Center